Click on one of the buttons above to visit a gallery page... Pages from our Patsy scrapbookThe Places: It’s amazing how many miles we’ve covered in the past several years--from high school gyms, to hotel convention rooms, from arenas to opera houses. What started out as a summer show at the Barn Theatre in Tea, SD in 1998 has since played to thousands of people all over the upper Midwest. Some memorable stops along the way include the electrical short at the VFW in Gettysburg; the power outage in Humboldt when the fire department brought in a generator for the show; the van breakdown’s in Chamberlain and the Black Hills; the broasted chicken! The candlelight vigil before the September, 2001 show in Irene; the tragic fire that burned down the State Theater in Mitchell; the beautifully restored theatres in Fargo, Spearfish, Detroit Lakes, Aberdeen and many, many more. The People: We have met so many wonderful folks. Some are die-hard Patsy fans, and some claim to have never liked country music before seeing Always… But the memories of Patsy prevail. There’s the woman in Pipestone who’s father was one of the rescue workers at the site of Patsy’s plane crash, the steel guitar player from Rapid City who played for Patsy whenever she came to town and the man who saw Patsy’s last concert in Kansas City the night before she died. Not to mention the countless people who tell us how they had the song “Always” at their weddings, or remember parking with their sweethearts while a Patsy tune played on the radio. We treasure those stories! The Past, Present and Future: Always… has certainly changed us too. What we thought would be a one-year tour has grown into a seven and a half year phenomenon! Jill left the show, got married, and came back. Steve Peterson joined the band, and Lorenzo’s a grandpa! We welcomed Ellie Alayne into our hearts. And over the past 7 years… we’ve lost our biggest fans, our parents, John, Buffy, Jim and Norma. We miss them. Remember to always “Count your someone’s and your something’s!” The Comfort Theatre Company also produces East of Westreville and Of Thee I…Swing. Both are original musical reviews that offer two completely different styles of music. If you would like to present this or one of our other shows at your next event, give us a call or check our website: We are so grateful to our fans. As Patsy would say, “It’s a good life!” See you on the road, Kaija and Brian Bonde
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